Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Hello All,

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there! Today I celebrated Mother's Day with Mama J!

We started the day with me giving her, the gifts I got/made her. This year I got her a bumper sticker from my college, a card with a dancing monkey and made her some cupcakes. 

You can see her card in the background.

A close up of her cupcakes, the cupcakes say: Happy Mother Day Mommy! (Yes, I forgot the 's' in Mothers). 

I absolutely love making cupcakes and I think these are some of the best cupcakes I've ever made. Normally when I try to write words you can't really make-out the letters but I these ones you can so I'm happy. And she loved them! 

In the afternoon we went to a beach about an hour away from our house. It was the one place where Mama J wanted to go for Mother's Day. 

The tide was so high today!

Looking down the beach you can see there were quite a few people there today, if you were to look the other way you would have seen even more.

Mama J and I.

I accidently took this picture while I was trying to take a picture of the beach because I forgot to change the way the lens faced. What can I say, I'm a merp!

Mama J went for a walk on the beach, I ended up going to sit in the car. I had to go sit in the car because I have cold urticaria, which basically means that when I get to cold I break out in hives. In simpleton terms, I'm allergic to the cold. My original thoughts was to sit on the beach while she walked and read my book but I started to break out so I went to the car. Mama J was very happy with her walk along the beach though and that is all that matters because its Mother's Day. 

After our trip to the beach we went to seafood restaurant down the road where we met up with my aunt, uncle and cousins. 

All-in-all I think Mama J had a fantastic Mother's Day!

Before I say good-bye I just wanted to share the paragraph that I wrote about Mama J on my instagram: "Happy mother's day to the most important person in my world. She is my inspiration, my role model, my biggest supporter, and my hero. But most importantly she is my best. I love you Mama J." I think this describes my relationship with Mama J. 


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